Isolco 3000 P2 steel brackets with clamp M8 – M10

Isolco 3000 P2 steel brackets with clamp M8 – M10
Lead product in the facade world, the brackets ISOLCO 3000 P2 ETANCO, have been demontrated their performance and mechanical strength for many years. Actually the ISOLCO 3000 P2 M8 & M10 brackets enable to connect in safety metal profiles or wooden rafters to the structure in new construction or renovation.
ISOLCO 3000 P2 brackets can be used with different types of claddings : fibre-cement, HPL, terracotta, wood, ceramic, stone, metal and alloy, bittumen shingles, aggregate concrete...
For application with metal framework, the ISOLCO 3000 P2 family has grown with the arrival of a new version with clamp. This external clamp will be placed around the profile thickness in order to improve the positioning of this one.
ISOLCO 3000 P2 brackets with clamp, as the standard version ( without clamp), are made of a high-performance S220 galvanised steel, coating is Z450 allowing construction sites located at less than 3km to the sea.
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